aquí podrás "ver" la verdadera intención de la estrella de cinco puntas.

La estrella del pentalfa o lo que se llama el pentagrama Usado desde tiempos inmemoriales por la brujería y el satanismo, siempre procedente del paganismo, pues se le tiende a dar propiedades mágicas de protección, sustituyendo con esto la fe puesta sobre el poder mismo de Dios. También es usado para representar al hombre como el microcosmos dentro del macrocosmos, el hombre en balance con la naturaleza, la unión de la diosa naturaleza en el hombre y todos los elementos de la misma. Es por eso que cada punta del pentalfa representa un elemento de la naturaleza. También es la representación directa de Gaia, la madre tierra. Es el naturalismo, también conocido como el panteísmo. Pues se adora a la naturaleza y al hombre también. Tanto la brujería antigua como la neo brujería, adoraban a la naturaleza y se aprendían a manipular los elementos por medio de la magia. No es de extrañar que en los altos grados, del 30 al 33, se practique la magia en la masonería. Solo basta con leer en el libro de Dogmas y Moral de la masonería para los grados mencionados. La estrella con la punta hacia arriba representa el humanismo y al ponerla invertida representa la magia y el dominio de los elementos.

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

A world government perpetrated by the world's most powerful families ... using traps as hostile as population reduction for better control, in public term of (Stone Guide) or stones to guide the construction of a new humanity, which is called New Order World term that is being used by the most powerful rulers of the economic, political and religious. Increasingly often, democracy transmuting into a New Era Feudal.
 The future will not be like this, there will be new stories after unprecedented On a planet with helpless nations. The organization behind this massive fraud and the head of the Illuminati is known as the Club of Rome, the Group of Thirty: The Group of Thirty is an exclusive club that meets in private to discuss monetary policy issues global banking regulation. ECB President Mario Draghi and his predecessor Jean-Claude Trichet, share the club with executives from some of the world's largest banks.
The Trilateral Commission also plays a vital role in the New World Order use wealth concentrating in the hands of a few, to exert world control, these members exchanged their views and they all point to the undisputed world domination. International Monetary Fund Special Drawing Rights of the IMF are essentially a single world currency, which is defended by theorists of the New World Order.
The report dates from April 13, 2010 and is not an exaggeration or a rumor, it is a very serious proposal in an official document of the Mega-Powerful institutions, currently leading the world economy called International Monetary Fund that what the IMF wants, he usually gets.
 The World Bank and the Federal Reserve, and the United Nations. Club Bilderberg, is considered by many experts as the "Government in the Shadow World," which Celebrate Annual Meetings attended by over one hundred guests from worldwide political, economic and media, among including some of the most powerful men and women in the world, United Nations, everyone loves Globalists Ideas eg European Union, African Union, Union Pacific and the American Union with their new currency. It is consolidating your slavery ... spent years at it and know that you are not to question the system if not to serve ...

                                                                                                 By Kañery

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